What are the benefits of becoming an accredited expert?

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The benefits for becoming an accredited expert include:

  • Satisfaction at helping an up-and-coming entrepreneur to become successful.
  • Ability to switch from expert role to coach at your discretion.
  • Built-in lead generation system for future consulting gigs, contracts, jobs, etc.
  • Enhances your reputation by demonstrating your willingness to be an expert.
  • Convenient: assess what you want, when and where you want without having to justify your decision
  • Potential for social media spin-off
  • No risks in doing assessments and no cost to do so

Our “Golden Rule” for mentors:

Clients must feel that they have gotten useful and practical advice.

To make an assessment worthwhile, it must conform to the C.A.R.E. Critria and describe what needs to be done, why, and, if appropriate, how to do it. Unless requested by the client, experss do not create or edit content unless they are asked by the client to do so and they agree.

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