How to Create an Inspiring Personal Vision Statement

Tools and plans to create effective personal vision statement


There is a lot of confusion between vision statements and mission statements. Examples are one of the best ways of showing the differences:

  • Vision statements
    • My vision is to see a the world free and at peace.
    • My vision is to be rich.
  • Mission statements
    • My mission is to fight to free the world of tyranny.
    • My mission is to get that sale using my experience and understanding of the client.

You can think of the distinction using mountain climbing as an example. The vision is what you will be able to see from the summit. The mission is to climb to the top.

Vision statements express the goals that you want to see without worrying how you got there. Mission statements express how you will accomplish your goals.

If you are having difficulty defining your vision statement, look at what how others have defined their visions.